Innovating to compete: the three-year path and the value of the Agrifood Marche Network


The CLAM Agrifood Marche CLAM Association is an aggregation composed of the four Marche Universities (UNIVPM, UNICAM, UNIURB, UNIMC), Research Institutes, companies that are linked to the agricultural, food and fisheries sectors, trade associations and service companies which work together to meet the needs of innovation throughout the entire agri-food chain of the Marche region. This association was founded in March 2015 with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the regional agri-food sector through cooperation and knowledge transfer among the various actors involved in the chain, combining innovation and tradition.

The primary aim of the Agrifood Marche Cluster is to stimulate dialogue among the various partners to promote innovation and increase profitability both in the agricultural and in the entire agri-food chain, including all its components up to distribution and consumption.

Support of Marche Region (S3)

Develop innovative ideas and strategies through dialogue with affiliated companies, making them attractive to regional, national and European projects devoted to innovation both in agriculture and agro-food.
Who we are The Cluster Agrifood Marche Association (ClAM), is an aggregation composed of the 4 universities of the Marche (UNIVPM, UNIMC, UNICAM, UNIURB) and 54 local authorities including research centers, small, medium and large enterprises and trade associations , who work together to meet the needs of innovation along the entire agri-food chain.


parco solare

Pubblicato l’Avviso per la misura M2C1-I.2.2 “Parco Agrisolare”.

Tale misura è inserita nella missione “Rivoluzione verde e transizione ecologica”, componente “Economia circolare e agricoltura sostenibile”, ed è finalizzata a sostenere gli investimenti nelle strutture produttive del settore agricolo, zootecnico e agroindustriale al fine di rimuovere e smaltire i tetti esistenti e costruire nuovi tetti isolati, creare sistemi automatizzati di ventilazione e/o di raffreddamento e installare pannelli solari e sistemi di gestione intelligente dei flussi e degli accumulatori.

Il caricamento delle proposte sarà possibile dalle ore 12:00 del 27 settembre...



of the regional enterprises system through the creation of highly specialized value chains, the definition of strategic technological trajectories and the relationship management with regional, national and European institutions.

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about regional, national and international financing opportunities, participation in the main platforms, in the national and European reference networks.

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to support the technological transfer and to increase technological and organizational expertise.

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