The CNA, National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, has been representing and protecting the interests of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, operating in the sectors of manufacturing, construction, services, transport, trade and tourism, for over 70 years and medium industries, and in general the business world and related associated forms, with particular reference to the craft sector; of the artisans; of self-employment; of professionals; of women entrepreneurs; of entrepreneurs; of pensioners.
The Provincial Association of Ancona associates over 5,000 companies and over 5,000 pensioners. The Ancona Provincial CNA System consists of a Trade Union structure; from the Unions that represent the needs of specific sectors; from CNA Pensioners; from CNA Service Srl which operates in the field of administrative services and business consultancy through local offices; from CNA Tecnoquality Srl operating in the field of services related to environment, safety and quality and food hygiene; from CNA Consulteam for advanced consultancy; from Sixtema CNA which operates in the field of IT services; from Fidimpresa, the Confidi Unico for credit; from the Epasa, the private body of assistance and social security; from Formart Marche, the Professional Training Organization; from the Centro Studi Sistema for market research.